Friday 17 May 2019

Why Do We Conserve Biodiversity???

What is Biodiversity? 
Biodiversity, the range and varieties of life forms in an ecosystem (Wanjui, 2013)

Levels of Biodiversity;

Genetic diversity- This is the genetic makeup of an organism which entails genes residing within species and responsible for their traits. They are given special consideration in the field of biodiversity conservation because of their role in preserving a species and in allowing the species to adapt to changes

Species the diversity-the exact number of species can only be estimated.

Ecosystem diversity- this is composed of a diversity of ecological systems consisting all of the animals, plants, and micro-organisms as well as physical aspects of the area.

Existence of different life forms acts as a major factor in enhancing ecosystem resilience. For instance in natural disturbances a biodiverse ecosystem, if the environment changes and some organisms can no longer thrive, others can take their place and fulfill essential ecological functions. It is often the most overlooked species that are the most important to healthy ecosystems. E.g. insects play an essential role in pollinating flowering plants—a large part of the food we eat depends on animal pollinators.

Why biodiversity is important?
The practice of protecting and preserving wealth and variety of species, habitats, ecosystems, and genetic diversity on the planet, is important for our health, wealth, food, fuel, and services we depend on. It plays an integral role in supporting humankind and many sectors of development (USAID, 2018)

a) Food Security- Food security depends upon natural resources that form the basis of food production. Biodiversity conservation protects the plant, animal, microbial and genetic resources for food production, agriculture, and ecosystem functions such as fertilizing the soil, recycling nutrients, regulating pests and disease, controlling erosion, and pollinating crops and trees. At the same time, unsustainable agricultural production and use of wild species for food or fuel can reduce biodiversity.

b) Economic growth and poverty alleviation- Biodiversity conservation is vital for economic growth and poverty reduction. A majority of the worlds poor live in rural areas and depend upon forests, water, wetlands, fields, and pastures for their livelihoods. Some 1.6 billion people in the world rely on forests and non-timber products for income and subsistence. In the developing world alone, 2.6 billion people depend on fisheries for protein and livelihoods. Seafood is also the most highly traded food commodity internationally. In 2008, fish and shellfish exports from developing countries exceeded the value of coffee, rubber, cocoa, tea, tobacco, meat, and rice combined.

c) Reduces the effect of climate change- Conserving habitats can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Conserving mangroves and other coastal ecosystems can lessen the disastrous impacts of climate change such as flooding and storm surges. Green projects that reduce the vulnerability of species and ecosystems to climate change impacts can safeguard essential ecosystem services such as air and water purification, pollination and food production, and carbon sequestration.

d) Provision ecosystem services- Conserving biodiversity helps in safeguarding essential ecosystem services such as air and water purification, pollination and food production, and carbon sequestration which in turn, can help in addressing the problem of climate change and its impacts

e) Provision of ecosystem goods- This entails Food, skins, water and timbers and construction materials

f) Diversity makes species resistant- If the species is reduced to a small number, then inbreeding will compromise its genetic diversity. It will not be able to maintain in the face of stresses like disease or compromised air or water quality and it will face imminent extinction

g) Enrich the survival of individuals of a species- According to Red Queen Hypothesis, a complex variation of genes allows organisms to adapt to changes in environments. Consider the case of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) virus, a super-strain virus that has developed a resistance to the most commonly used antibiotics It is proving very difficult to control

h) Cultural benefits- Biodiversity is an integral part of culture and identity. Most of the time in human history, conservation means protecting nature for the spiritual gifts it provides and protecting sacred places in the local landscape. Species are frequently integral to religious, cultural and national identities. All major religions include elements of nature and 231 species are formally used as national symbols in more than 140 countries.

i) Medical use- Many animal and plant species have been useful in the past for finding new treatments and cures. One of the most famous examples is digitalin which is derived from the foxglove and is used to treat heart conditions. Another is vincristine, taken from the rosy periwinkle of Madagascar and used to treat childhood leukemia.

j) Social benefits- Biodiversity is also useful in a number of social practices education and monitoring, recreation and tourism as well as cultural values

k) Research and advancement of science and technology- A number of non-human organisms are used for studying different biological phenomena all over the world. Through these studies, scientists have come up with insights that are used in improving man kinds.

To sum up a bio-diverse ecosystems support life on all levels;
Healthy ecosystems contribute to:
1.Clean air and climate regulation through carbon sequestration and gas exchange
2.Clean water through filtration
3.Rich soil through decomposing and cycling organic matter
4.Soil detoxification and maintenance of soil structure through filtration and root stability
5.Plant growth control through symbiotic relationships between insects and companion plants
6.Food source for native animals


Ways of Conserving Biodiversity;
1. Bicultural approach
2. Open source knowledge sharing
3. Boosting local subsistence
4. Incentives and legislation
5. In-situ and ex-situ conservation methods
6. Preserving crop variety
7. Species relocation and monitoring programs

Causes of Biodiversity Losses
1. Habitat loss
2. Overexploitation
3. Agricultural intensification
4. Climate change
5. Pollution
6. Invasive species

USAID, 2018, Statements by the United States at the August 27, 2018, DSB Meeting

Wanjui J (2013) Biodiversity Conservation Needs and Method to Conserve Biological Diversity. J Biodiversity Endanger Species 1:113. doi:10.4172/2332-2543.1000113

F. Stuart Chapin m, Osvaldo E. Sala, Ingrid C. Burke, J. Phillip Grime, David U. Hooper,
William K. Lauenroth, Amanda Lombard, Harold A. Mooney, Arvin R. Mosier, Shahid Naeem,
Stephen W. Pacala, Jacques Roy, William L. Steffen, and David Tilman. Ecosystem Consequences of Changing Biodiversity

Shahid Naeem., Lindsey J.Thomson., Sharon P. Lawler., John. Lawton and Richard M. Woodfin. Empirical evidence that declining species diversity may alter the performance of terrestrial ecosystems

Robert C. Lacy. Importance of Genetic Variation to the Viability of Mammalian Populations

Saturday 26 May 2018

Conservationan Planning

Using Medium and Large Sized Mammals Taxa of Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology Campus. Explain Why the Area should be designated for Biodiversity Conservation.
Matana Levi 
School of Life Science and Bioengineering, Department of Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management (SABEM), P.O.Box 477, Arusha, Tanzania.
Mob: +255 767758824, E-mail: /

Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) Campus needs strategic plan for the conservation of the campus's biodiversity. The formulation of such a plan requires to thoroughly assess the status of taxa existing within the campus. To understand the status of animals in the area, one taxa (Mammalia) was chosen, which represented merely proportion of the taxa found at NM-AIST. The investigation of mammals aimed at determining the species richness and the habitat types covering the area. We were also looking on the alternative land uses deployed in the area. In our study we targeted animals with medium and large sized bodies, where two medium and ten large sized mammals were encountered. Our result ascertained decrease in mammalian species due to progressive changes of habitat, as the land was dispensed for different human activities (as an estate then farming and now for academic purpose). NM-AIST has restricted movement of large animal’s taxa because of the fence surrounding the campus. Additionally, institution campus covers only 199 acres, which is inadequate and could impact essential ecological and evolutionary processes undesirably. Remarkably for effective conservation of biodiversity there should be enough areas to accommodate population of all taxa while supporting ecological and evolutionary processes. In spite of being small in terms of size, NM-AIST have a variety of species which are not only locally significant but also of conservation interest. This study focuses on assessing population dynamics for mammals to be able to tell if the areas is feasible for conservation of biodiversity.

1.0: Introduction
NM-AIST campus has experienced a rapid decline of its biodiversity in past 5 decades, the condition which presumably is linked with the construction of NM-AIST that transformed or altered the suitable habitat for biodiversity to be used for institution infrastructures. The details about population dynamics and persistence have not been revealed in the area. Furthermore there is still a debate as to whether the area qualifies criteria for being protected area or should be left for further expansion of institution housing. 
Many studies have looked on the status of population dynamics and persistence (Soule´ and Terborgh, 1999; Hanski and Ovaskainen, 2000; Reed et al., 2002) as the startup point prior to conservation planning process. While formulating conservation planning for biodiversity conservation, a systematic process to identify representative groups of species should be developed (Pressey et al., 1993; Margules and Pressey, 2000). Apart from presentation by the surrogate taxa, the plan should also consider the persistence of the species and their ecological and evolutionally processes (Cowling et al., 2003). More importantly, all threats to biodiversity should also be addressed in the formulated plan (Faith and Walker, 1996). In addition to spatial considerations, conservation of biodiversity requires the reflection of temporal phenomena in planning.
To understand the status of animals in the area, one taxa (Mammalia) taxa was chosen which represented merely proportion of the taxa found at NM-AIST. The investigation of mammals aimed at determining the species richness of the area. We were also looking on the habitat type in which these mammals are inhabiting. In our study we targeted animals with medium and large sized bodies, where two medium and ten large sized mammals were encountered. However, in order to design a more representative reserve system to protect all taxa in the campus, a long term and complementarity process that includes all taxa was required. Unfortunately the study was done under a very short period of time for convenient.
Presence, persistence and viability of biodiversity is more of conservational interest for most conservationist in the campus. While longing to addressing this problem, three questions are important; first, is the size NM-AIST sufficient for viability of populations in the area? Second, is the biodiversity of the NM-AST satisfactorily protected in the campus? If not, what are the main challenge? And lastly, does the campus qualify the criteria for being protected area?  NM –AIST requires a strategic plan to address these questions. This strategic plan should also address the current threats to biodiversity. To be able to provide answers to the above questions, a group of conservation biologists undertook a collaborative effort to assess the current status of one taxa in NM-AIST. In this study, we used representative taxa that would represent all the biodiversity component of the campus. We understand that conservation process is sensitive practice which requires empirical evidence with regard to all taxa found in the area. However decision should be made for urgent conservation measures while waiting for further information which may require lots of resources for a task to be completed. With this little information the status of large animals and the state of habitats will partly be revealed, and finally the results obtained from the study will be useful in formulating a strategic conservation plan of the campus.
NM-AIST campus hosts good numbers of flora and fauna of conservation concern. The area encompasses variety of species of different taxa, including mammals, plants, birds, reptiles and amphibians. The presence of the fence surrounding the campus environment might have impacted the animal’s movement in and out of the area and consequently restricting gene flow to medium and large mammals. Furthermost this barrier could have forbidden the colonization and expurgated the dispersing routes for fauna and flora residing in the area. Present study aimed at identifying the biodiversity component and assessing the status of the area. The results obtained from this study addresses the question of whether the area should be designated as protected area or not. Specifically the study looked at the species richness particularly mammal’s taxa which used as surrogate group for conservational planning process. The study also identified the habitat type of the NM-AIST campus.

2.0: Methodology
2.1: Study site
Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology is a public university in northern Tanzania based in Arusha City. It is locate at 3° 23′ 58″ S, 36° 47′ 48″ E, and the average rainfall and temperature ranges from 800-1000 mm and 210C -240C respectively.   It is one in a network of Pan-African Institutes of Science and Technology located across the continent (NM-AIST website). Previously the area was prominently known as Gomba estate which used for residents by the British settler during the colonial rule. During 1980s, the Centre for Agricultural Mechanization and Rural Technology (CAMARTEC) took over and transformed the area for agricultural practices. Subsequently, the Government resolved through a Cabinet decision of April 2008 to relocate CAMARTEC, to allow its premises to serve as a start-up campus of the new institution. The Government of Tanzania has also financed the rehabilitation and face-lifting of start-up buildings and infrastructure so inherited as well as other new start-up constructions. The 199 acre start-up campus in Tengeru had a built environment currently sufficient to support an initial population of up to 1,000 people comprising students and staff. With further expansion of the built environment the campus can accommodate a population of up to 2,500 staff and students (NM-AIST website, 2018).

Figure1: The map of NM-AIST showing different habitat types and land uses in the area.

NM-AIST campus is made up of several habitats and land uses including, wooded grassland, grassland, bush thickets, wetland, farm land and domesticated land (housing). The area hosts a number of biota including mammals, birds, Mollusca, anthropoids, annelids, reptiles and amphibians, to mention just a few. Institution buildings comprising Hostels, Lecture rooms and staffs apartments occupying a large portion of the habitat that could be used for conservation of biodiversity. With further expansion of buildings of which some are under construction will eventually constrict the area available for conservation. NM-AIST land was designated for academic issues and none of the objectives recognizes the existence of biodiversity in the campus. There is no doubt that the institution management authority do not take into consideration the presence of these biodiversity when planning for expansion of institution infrastructures.

2.2: Method for Data Collection
Direct and indirect method of observation were made whereby, we surveyed the entire campus’s fenced area. While walking every mammals encountered opportunistically was recorded (and classified if medium/large). We targeted medium and large bodied species with a mass greater than ca. 2 kg (Chew, 1978) .Only medium and large mammals were considered the rest were neglected. At every point we encountered a mammal, GPS points was recorded and the habitat type (grasslands, wooded grassland or the thicket) was detailed. Human activities and alterative land uses that compete with conservation were also recorded.

Figure 2: A group of scientists surveying the area (NM-AIST campus).
On the other hand, we developed questionnaires, and then conducted a face to face interview to twenty people to find out the number of mammals species existed at the site before and after construction of institution housing began. We were also looking on the habitat change from the experience of indigenous people and the data obtained were analyzed for more interpretation.
Data on mammal’s population status were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis whilst QGIS software was used to analyze the spatial data (GPS coordinates) to be able to produce a location map.

3.0: Results and Discussion
3.1: Habitat change and Biodiversity loss
Our study found that, through different period and different land uses, NM-AIST experience changes in vegetation cover which might have been affecting the survival of biodiversity in place. Many studies highlight that, habitat loss is the chief cause of endangerment and extinction for various species in ecosystem (Diamond, 1984a, 1989; Fahrig & Merriam, 1985; Robinson & Quinn,1992;Caughley, 1994). Animals without their natural habitats, are unable to protect themselves and care for their young. Our results displays rapid decrease of large mammals where the number decreased from 12 to 5 species in year between 1980 and 2018 (see figure1). The field survey conducted shown that only three species were abundant and common to the area, the other two of the present species were not encountered in the field but information were gathered from local people through interview. One of the major threats facing protected areas (PA) globally, is habitat loss (Robinson & Quinn, 1992; Fahrig  & Merriam, 1985 ) mainly due to land- use changes. Similarly, NM –AIST land cover is under progressive changes due to expansion of the institution housing, conversion of wildland for forming and introduction of invasive like; Tagetes minuta, Pathenium spp and Lantana camara particularly in agricultural demonstration farms.

Figure 3: Invasive species (Lantana Camara)
The capacity of an area to slow down habitat degradation and to favor habitat restoration is clearly related to their size (Naro-maciel & Stering, 2008), with smaller areas that on average follow the dominant land-use change pattern into which they are embedded.
Figure4: the bar graph showing decrease of mammals before and after construction of NM-AIST Campus.

3.2: The size of the Area and population viability
The size of NM-AIST is about 200acre which comprises of Institution buildings, farms, recreational areas (e.g. football ground) and the grass and acacia dominated landscape. Generally, the campus has small area with multiple land uses that compete with goals for conservation of biodiversity. Conservational biologist have argued that, small area designed for conservation are not viable in the long term if they are considered as islands surrounded by human-dominated landscapes (Naro-maciel & Stering, 2008). Even though, problems associated with small sized area can be addressed by increasing the connectivity (corridors) between fragments, allowing organisms to move between habitats fragments increasing survival and genetic diversity of organisms (Naro-maciel & Stering, 2008). Reversibly, NM-AIST has small fenced area behaving like an isolated island surrounded by domesticated landscapes, making it rigid and inflexible and consequently hindering movement of large vertebrates in and out of the campus. This problem could be resolved by opting for a large area. Large areas are effective at protecting the ecosystems, even in areas with significant land-use pressures. However, small areas can be used, in case the only option available, implying that we need to devote much more attention to a group of species residing in an area of conservational interest (Soberón M,1992). The size, shape as well as adequate number of individuals, is important for population viability. For example large and wide ranging animals requires large area to accommodate ecological and evolutionally changes. The survival persistence and viability of the populations depends on the intactness and connectivity of ecological processes, which allows species to disperse, migrate and obtain their requirement for reproduction and persistence. Sufficient size ensures survival upon natural disturbances (Pickett and Thompson 1978).

Table1: the table showing the number of species before and after construction of NM-AIST Campus (“1” indicates present whist “0” stands for absent).
Common Species
Scientific Names
Scincera cafra
Pathera leo
Spotted hyena
Cructa Cructa
Panthera pardus
Wild pig
Sus scrofa
Tragelaphus sylvaticus
Connochaetes taurinus
Madoqua kirkii
Lipus spp
Tragelaphus spp
Giraffe camelopardalis
Orycteropus afer

3.3: Threats to Biodiversity
Recently, scientists have reported four main threats to biodiversity which comprises overexploitation, invasive species, habitat destruction and fragmentation (Caughley, 1994; Soberón M, 1992; Clavero, M & García-Berthou, 2005). Similarly, the common threats to biodiversity in NM-AIST campus are human activities, which includes; habitat destruction as the result of ongoing expansion of institution infrastructures and Land degradation due to use of agrochemical for farming (in study farms). Additionally, farming is gradually affecting the susceptibility of remaining habitat to invasive species. Besides, existence of recreational areas such as football and basket grounds promotes movement of people in and out of the campus threating species mainly the ones sensitive to environmental changes.

3.4: Does NM-AIST campus qualify the criteria for being areas for conservation of biodiversity?
Criteria for area to be used for conservation purpose are based on abundance, rarity, threat levels, distinctiveness, diversity, and endemism. Even though, species distributions, irreplaceability and financial aspects should also be considered. Mostly, areas with higher diversity, endemism, or threatened taxa are favored when designing area for conservation purpose.
Further most, when deciding for areas to be used for conservation of biodiversity, another important aspect to be considered is reserve design. This encompasses size, shape, replication, complementarity, and connectivity of a designed area. Larger areas are contiguous in such a way that, when the area of an island becomes larger, the number of species increases, while extinction rates decrease. Unlike small areas, large areas are capable of preserving intact communities of interdependent taxa and maintain viable populations of large sized species especially large vertebrates and habitats than would small one. Even though small sites may be sufficient to protect certain target species with small ranges, such as plants, small mammals, insects, reptiles and amphibians. Possibly, low dispersing animals such as amphibians, annelids, mollusks and some reptiles, naturally occur in small, isolated populations.
Conclusively, NM-AIST campus, has small size, rigid shape (demarcated by fence), non-replicable land, lacks complementarity, and connectivity. Moreover, the campus has low species richness, endemism, less distinctiveness and replaceable. Conceivably, conservation goals are compromised and do not correspond to the institutional goals. Finally, I recommend that, NM-AIST is not suitable area and do not qualify the criteria for being areas for conservation of biodiversity conservation, in steady it should be used for academic purpose as stated by institutional goals. However, small sized species with low dispersing ability like amphibians, annelids and mollusks can be sufficiently accommodated in remaining undamaged habitat.

4.0: References
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